Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 57 : Sydney Day 4 - Crow's Nest

This is an even more relaxing day, I have not actually gotten out of bed until 10am. My eyes are jammed by whatever you called it, I personally call it eyeshit. The sky is gloomy, the blinds are down, it is a perfect condition for extended bedtime. I could have slept some more if I want to, but I just take a peek at the watch, it's already 10am, so I am like: alright, alright, I'd get up. After some toasts and coffee, I take a shower. Soon, it's way past noon already, I reheat the pasta and play the Torch Song Trilogy DVD on TV while I am eating, kind of lost track how many times I have seen that movie, but probably many.

It sprinkles a little outside, I plan on staying in most of the times, but I need to go down to the supermarket to get chicken. I'd be cooking again tonight, plan to make the other dish I can do - marinated chicken with rice. Get to the supermarket, I notice there are two type of chicken thighs: cutlet and fillet, not exactly sure what the differences are, so I get them both, 2 each, not missing out anything. Turn out one with bone, one without. Oh... It's what it is, good, learn something new everyday. The pumpkin soup with ginger looks pretty good as well, so I get some of those as well. Come back, marinate the chicken, then I head out again. Robbie tells me about this arty book/CD/DVD shop in a neighborhood called Crow's Nest, there they have a lot of foreign movies, so I want to go there and take a look.

Take a bus, about 5 mins, I arrive at Crow's Nest. All the neighborhoods I have visited in Sydney so far are all quite eclectic, sidewalk cafes and little shops are everywhere. I walk down Willoughby Road twice and cannot find the shop. Almost give up and about to go back home, but I decide to give it one more try, I walk down the road once again but on the other side of the street. This time, I finally see it, the shop is called Title, with a tiny little storefront and in very simplistic style. I would not have spot it from the other side of the street, because it is completely hidden behind the sidewalk cafe. They have a really good collection of the arty and foreign movies, a lot of world music CDs, and those huge art books. Many items in the shop are very tempting, but they are quite expensive, so I haven't bought anything, which is good actually.

Come back the house around 4:30pm, listening to music for a while. Then, I have pretty much done nothing until 7:30pm, when I begin to cook. Watching The Nightmare Before Christmas while we have dinner. Tomorrow, the weather.com predicts for "AM Cloud PM Sun", hopefully I'll be able to go to the beach and get some tan on my body.

No photos today.